The gas horn for nautical use is of great value in terms of safety, is complemented by the use of flares as a method of alerting to any emergency or eventuality that occurs during navigation.
Gas horn. Serious ship accidents are not really common, however, in small everyday incidents where help is required or make some kind of alert, elements such as the gas horn are very useful and important, especially if other mechanisms do not work.
Importance of the gas horn during navigation
The gas horn is a small, easy to acquire, economic and practical element that is of great utility and important presence among the security articles that any boat must have in case any eventuality occurs.
The climatic conditions, atmospheric and the situation in which the sea is always unstable and before any incident it is necessary to have a good arsenal of products that allow an adequate immediate response to any type of event.
The gas horns emit a noise of great intensity, which is estimated to reach even 1500m away, which is very helpful in situations where there is little visibility such as fog, heavy rains, among others or in case the flare lights fail.
Gas horns increase the likelihood that the boat will be located quickly if drifting and alert other boats to avoid possible collisions if necessary. It is also of great help in small boats such as lifeboats that are more difficult to locate.